U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - ENDING THE HIV EPIDEMIC
Out Loud with Ebony Payne-English
Black women make up 60% of all new HIV diagnoses in women in the U.S. despite accounting for less than 15% of the female population. As part of an effort from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services to combat stigmas that may contribute to low treatment rates or insufficient awareness and care, the goal was to shine a light on what is not often said out loud—those living with HIV are worthy of love.
Ebony Payne-English, poet, educator, mother, and long-term HIV survivor, lent her words about her lived experience about coming to terms with her diagnosis through a poem in motion. Her profound creative vision infused the piece with authenticity and truthfulness, encouraging the viewer to make space for self-reflection and left them with one final message—true intimacy is possible, no matter your status.
Equal parts dramatic performance and public service outreach, the spot succeeded in changing the conversation about what life is like for people living with HIV.